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Separator Lines as Decoration for Web Pages

How to Design the HTML Element hr with CSS

Deutsche Version

The HTML element hr (horizontal rule) is used on web pages to achieve a visual separation between two areas.
For this purpose, a simple design of the separator lines is sufficient (see examples here). However, you can use the hr element to create design effects that break up a web page or emphasize content.

In the following article I show different ways how to design the hr element attractively. To do this, I apply the CSS property background-image, with which an infinite number of designs are possible.

I will display each hr element at three different heights: 10px, 20px, and 50 px, to create different effects.

As a base for the hr element, I assign the CSS class .hr-basic to the hr element, assigning no border and having the border-radius be 5 pixels:

CSS Code
.hr-basic {
  border: none;
  border-radius: 5px;

1. Separator Line with Linear Gradient

Linear gradients allow a wealth of variations for designing dividing lines. Here I have chosen a striped line in the colors blue and gray.

Separator Line with linear-gradient - 10px height

Separator Line with linear-gradient - 20px height

Separator Line with linear-gradient - 50px height

The HTML code for the following examples with different height of hr elements:

<hr class="hr-basic linear-min">
<hr class="hr-basic linear">
<hr class="hr-basic linear-max">

The CSS code looks like this:

CSS Code
hr.linear {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #4D4D4D 25%, #0000FF 25%, #0000FF 50%, #4D4D4D 50%, #4D4D4D 75%, #0000FF 75%, #0000FF 100%);
  background-size: 2rem 2rem;

Following this scheme, I now create six more examples of hr element design.

2. Separator Line with repeating-linear-gradient

With ther CSS function repeating-linear-gradient() I generate horizontal lines with which a louvre effect is created.

Separator Line with repeating-linear-gradient - 10px height

Separator Line with repeating-linear-gradient - 20px height

Separator Line with repeating-linear-gradient - 50px height

Der CSS-Code:

CSS Code
hr.repeating-linear {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(#ADD8E6, #ADD8E6 .125rem, #008000 .125rem , #008000 .25rem);
  background-size: 2rem 2rem;

3. Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient

Radial gradients are created with the CSS function repeating-radial-gradient(); they work similar to linear gradients. In the following example I apply a simple CSS function:

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient - 10px height

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient - 20px height

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient - 50px height

CSS Code
hr.radial {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(#BFBFBF, #A52A2A 20%);
  background-size: 20px 20px;

4. Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient circle

If you add circle to the CSS function repeating-radial-gradient(), you get a target effect.

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient circle - 10px height

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient circle - 20px height

Separator Line with repeating-radial-gradient circle - 50px height

The CSS code looks as follows:

CSS Code
hr.radial-circle {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: repeating-radial-gradient(circle at 50%, #4D4D4D, #4D4D4D .5rem, #0000FF .5rem, #0000FF 1rem);
  background-size: 30px 20px;

It is more elegant and precise with background images. For this method I would like to show three more examples.

5. Separator Line with SVG Background Image (Inline-CSS)

Here I choose a wavy line as the SVG background image; the background color is a dark green. The color and width of the wavy lines is set via stroke='%23222' stroke-width='10' within the CSS property background-image.

The size of the SVG background image is 25 percent to show off the wavy lines nicely.

Separator Line with SVG background image wave (Inline-CSS) - 10px height

Separator Line with SVG background image wave (Inline-CSS) - 20px height

Separator Line with SVG background image wave (Inline-CSS) - 50px height

The according CSS code:

CSS Code
hr.svg-intern {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-color: #008000;
  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1000 120'%3E%3Cg fill='none' stroke='%23222' stroke-width='10' %3E%3Cpath d='M-500 75c0 0 125-30 250-30S0 75 0 75s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-500 45c0 0 125-30 250-30S0 45 0 45s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-500 105c0 0 125-30 250-30S0 105 0 105s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-500 15c0 0 125-30 250-30S0 15 0 15s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-500-15c0 0 125-30 250-30S0-15 0-15s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-500 135c0 0 125-30 250-30S0 135 0 135s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30s125-30 250-30s250 30 250 30s125 30 250 30s250-30 250-30'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
  background-size: 25%;

6. Separator Line with SVG Background Image

As another example for SVG background images I take this time an external SVG image. For this I use the Bull's eye known from darts - the center of a dartboard.

Separator Line with SVG background image Bull's Eye - 10px height

Separator Line with SVG background image Bull's Eye - 20px height

Separator Line with SVG background image Bull's Eye - 50px height

The code for this example is quite simple:

CSS Code
hr.svg-extern {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: url(img/bulls-eye.svg);
  background-size: contain;
  border: 1px solid #333;

7. Separator Line with JPG Background Image

As a last example for the design of the hr element via CSS I insert a JPG image into the CSS code. For this purpose, I use images of fictitious people that are supposed to stand for a team.

Separator Line with JPG background image Team - 10px height

Separator Line with JPG background image Team - 20px height

Separator Line with JPG background image Team - 50px height

The code for this example is as simple and clear as the previous one:

CSS Code {
  height: 20px /* 10px für 'linear-min', 50px für 'linear-max' */;
  background-image: url(img/team.jpg);
  background-size: contain;
  border: 1px solid #333;

These examples may serve as inspiration for your own further experiments; have fun with your coding!

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