16. Dezember 2020
Minimalist Whitespace Website Template for Download
HTML and CSS Template with CSS Grid Layout and CSS Flexbox
There are a ton of design trends in web design: Brutalism, Material Design, Flat Design, illustrative Design etc. Some of these trends are due to the zeitgeist and are only short-lived, while others are brought out of the mothballs every few years as a dernier cri.
Classic Design
In addition, there are timeless design principles that are not short-lived and do not follow any fashion trend, which can also be called classic. These undoubtedly include the minimalist design of websites, the so-called Minimalist Design. ( This article on the subject is also worth reading.) I would like to present you here my draft of a minimalist design of a website.
A Suggestion from 1977
As a template I used the back of a record cover of the punk band „The Clash“ from 1977.

Design Principles
I was guided by the following principles when designing the minimalist template.:
- Reduction of information - offer only what is necessary
- clear structure
- intuitive user navigation
- Color design: black and white with a lot of white space
- typographic design: one font, lowercase, bold
- few images
Technical Base
The techniques I use to develop the minimalist template are „CSS Grid Layout“ for the grid and „CSS Flexbox“for the content. I also designed the top navigation with „CSS Grid Layout“.
For Which Websites Minimalist Design is Particularly Suitable
Minimalist websites are suitable for many cases, especially when concentration on a specific topic is required or when a message needs to be conveyed clearly and simply.
Minimalist design should always be considered when it comes to websites
- with informative character
- with few topics
- with clear message
- with focus on performance
--> Click here for the Minimalist Template.
--> Here you can download the template.
In the ZIP file you will find the HTML files, the CSS files (also in compressed form) and the images for the template.
Have fun with the application and further development of the template!